work in progress

the silver lining of having some time off from the working world, is that i actually get to concentrate my efforts on writing for a bit.

i have a few ideas for longer term projects that I want to put together (for you know… real life outside of the internets), and also this! i can take some time to make this blog i started two years ago into what i’d like it to be!

so bare with me while i try my hand at some HTML and PNP (… or whatever…. ok this might be a bit of an uphill battle.)

and let me know if you like what you see!

and for good measure, ANOTHER picture of tulips… because well there really aren’t enough hours in the day to show you all the pictures of tulips that i took… but I’ll be damned if i don’t try 😉


Working on my kitchen table


these days I’ve been doing a lot of work from my kitchen table.

you know, i thought i would be bored out of my mind since i don’t have a nine to five job right now, but somehow, between blogging for iRun, job hunting and mapping out other freelance-type work, the days get filled up really quickly.

i’m really excited for this time right now. it’s nerve wracking not knowing exactly what sort of work i’m going to get into, but at the same time i’m super happy to be contemplating the various routes i can go.

it’s so funny because when i tell people i’m in journalism, and that i don’t want to work for a newspaper as a reporter, they’re like “GASP – what are you going to do? If not that, then tell me, where do you see yourself working? and why would you take journalism if you don’t want to report?”

and it’s like this: there are a million different avenues out there – it’s similar to the fact that there are a million jobs which don’t have a direct path to them, unlike the professional designation jobs (i.e. teacher, nurse, dentist) With journalism, there are just so many places to fit in, it’s just a matter of seeking them out and planning a route to get there.

so right now, i’m enjoying my kitchen table, my “office” companions (prickly and canine), and the world – which honestly for the first time in my life feels like my oyster.

rarwh (lion roar.)

this guy, always at my feet ^^^

